"I first look at the end results that I expect from plans." "I carefully examine the conditions that exhists now." "I make a chart from NOW---------to---------END RESULTS to keep." "I decide what in-between goals and results will be added checks." "I estimate total time, then divide it into easy chunks for doing." "I make a list of materials, money, and people required for project." "I make written copies of plan and discuss it with all involved." "I get feedback to make sure ALL know what and how job is to be done." "I inform all involved with plan what the benefits will be to them." "I involve others in changes and modifications if possible." "I decide exactly when to start, then begin with no delay." "I allow reasonable changes to be made along the way if needed." "I make sure I get feedback on regular basis to stay on target." "I check results, schedule, and projections throughout project." "I maintain enthusiasm with the project and those involved with it." "I make sure that credit and appreciation go to all involved." "I make sure I keep notes and records of problems to avoid in future." "I praise in public and criticize in private." "If I don't reach my planned goals/times, I find out why not." "I PLAN my work and then FOLLOW MY PLAN."